Empowering individuals to achieve Workplace Zero
BGIS has three main objectives in our goal of workplace zero.
We are committed to the goal of being the global leader in safety and environment in the real estate industry
BGIS’s Occupational Health & Safety Management system is guided by the ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Standard. We are committed to complying with all applicable Health & Safety legislation and adopting industry best practices. We have been recognized externally for our management systems and specific processes within them.
We are committed to continually improving our safety and environmental performance and risk reduction programs, with the aim of Zero Workplace injuries
We continually review our safety performance and the effectiveness of our risk reduction processes to determine their success and adjust accordingly. Our team members are the ambassadors of our organization and our greatest assets. We are committed to providing resources, training, tools, procedures and support to enable our workforce to perform their roles safely and competently. We place a major emphasis on skill development by investing in ongoing health and safety training.
We are committed to developing and implementing initiatives to optimize the health, wellness and overall well-being of our workforce
The safety and well-being of our Team Members is inherent in the BGIS operating philosophy. Our safety program adapts to the ever-changing world we live in. We continually review and enhance our programs and listen carefully to our team to ensure that we are supporting their physical and mental health priorities.
Our commitment, backed by a vision, defined responsibilities and procedures
BGIS’s team, our contractors and our building occupants are guided by our health and safety vision statement, our policies and procedures, along with our clearly defined roles and responsibilities.

Our Framework
We aim to drive a Workplace Zero culture - eliminating Team Member injuries. Our philosophy is articulated in our Health, Safety, and Environment Manual, which provides the management framework to protect our team, partners, and the public at large. The manual describes the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OSHMS), which follows the Plan – Do – Check – Act process to ensure proper planning, identification of hazards, management of risks, review of results, and continual improvement of performance.

Our Achievements
BGIS is registered to ISO 45001 Occupational Health And Safety Management Systems. BGIS is proud to be one of the first global companies to achieve this important occupational health and safety certification for Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand in late 2018.
In 2020, BGIS achieved a global decrease in Lost Time Injury Rates and Total Recordable Injury Rates – demonstrating that our drive to achieve Workplace Zero is within reach.