BGIS has committed to the recruitment and advancement of our Indigenous team members
BGIS has committed to the recruitment and advancement of our Indigenous team members. This is exemplified with the development of Two Paths, our response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #92 — Business and Reconciliation, and our engagement plan which directly corresponds to recent government legislature, the passing of Bill C-15 which mandates the federal government to ensure that the laws of Canada are consistent with the requirements of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
Since 2018, BGIS has also partnered with Indigenous Link as they are focused on developing tools to communicate with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis groups across Canada. They have developed a unique and diverse suite of measurable communication tools for engaging Indigenous leaders, decision-makers, and community members. Indigenous Link helps build awareness and community presence through a number of engagement tools.
Our Indigenous Relations Policy
Download a copy of our Indigenous relations policy

Truth and Reconciliation at BGIS:
BGIS has developed a guide to communicate the framework to achieve impactful changes within our Indigenous Communities. The Guide is called Two Paths - Teioháte. The first path – the short term – involves the increased participation of qualified Indigenous vendors in the procurement process. The second path – the long term – involves relationship building and engagement with Indigenous businesses and communities. BGIS believes that successful business reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and communities must be forged around five main pillars:
1. Transformative Leadership
2. Recruitment, Retention & Advancement
3. Indigenous Procurement
4. Business & Economic Development
5. Engagement & Relationship Building.
These five pillars have been identified as essential for successful reconciliation and is the cornerstone of BGIS Indigenous Engagement Program.

Indigenous Engagement Activities in 2023
• Indigenous reflection and education with Orange Shirt Day, Truth and Reconciliation Week and Indigenous History month events.
• Supporting the BGIS Indigenous Liaisons team and establishment of the Indigenous toolkit.
• 300+ participated in BGIS Indigenous Design Presentation
• Establishment of our Sharing Circle communication channel
• BGIS Hosted a session on June 21st Two Paths: A virtual event in honour of National Indigenous Peoples Day, hosted by BGIS’s Indigenous Engagement Director.
• Won Canadian Aboriginal Supplier Council (CAMSC) – Corporation of the Year.
• Recognized with a CORENET Remmy award for BGIS’ Indigenous Engagement Program developed for a client and being implemented across BGIS.

BGIS Indigenous Communication Committee
In the fall of 2020, BGIS launched our Indigenous Communications Committee to support Indigenous communications and engagement across BGIS’ accounts, Indigenous communities, potential Vendors, and with Clients. The committee has doubled in size since 2020, with over 60 team members. Over the last two years we have facilitated and supported:
- Indigenous reflection and education with Orange Shirt Day, Truth and Reconciliation Week and Indigenous History Month events.
- Supporting the BGIS Indigenous Liaisons team and establishment of the Indigenous toolkit.
- Establishment of the BGIS Indigenous Marketplace to highlight Indigenous companies.
- Supporting Indigenous recruitment with HR.
- Establishment of our Sharing Circle communication channel.
We encourage our team members to take part in our Indigenous Volunteer Committee, whether or not they identify as Indigenous.

External Recognition/Awards for work with Indigenous groups
2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
2020 |

Indigenous Recruitment
1. Participated in several Indigenous recruitment fairs over the last two years through Aboriginal Futures, as well as Indigenous student fairs sponsored by some Canadian Universities
2. Engaged with the Friendship Centres across the country including OFIFC (Ontario Federation of Friendship Centres), and their Property Maintenance Program
3. Participated in job fairs within Indigenous communities
BGIS and Indigenous Link

Ela Hultsi