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BGIS Launches Women of BGIS

Women in Engineering Day

BGIS is thrilled to announce its programme Women of BGIS!

We recognize that there is a gap in the representation of female leaders. Women of BGIS encourages the growth, support and advancement of our female workforce. Much like a mentorship program, Women of BGIS provides a safe space where women of all ages, backgrounds and career levels can network across the organization and share stories of encouragement, career goals and advice.

The Women of BGIS Group will be holding activities to increase networks between all women of BGIS globally. These events will drive forward the change in our communities beyond industry, helping other women in need and supporting them through charity events. In addition, we are driving increasing representation of women in non-traditional roles; through recruitment at grass-roots level, apprenticeships, and assigned mentors.

There will be various WOB activities held throughout the year. From small lunch-and-learns to company-wide annual events. We are excited to share with you what's to come.

The Women of BGIS are innovators, initiators, and instigators who dare to be part of the solution and are helping to build towards a brighter future.