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BGIS awarded the YesVets Employer of the Year Award

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November 9th 2021

BGIS has been awarded the prestigious Employer of the Year Award at the Yes Vets Hire-a-Vet Washington Virtual Job Fair hosted by the Seattle Seahawks. This award recognizes BGIS as one of the best large companies when it comes to supporting veteran careers.

Recipients of the VETS Indexes Employer Awards are selected based on their responses to VETS Indexes’ groundbreaking survey, which examines the most important veteran employment metrics via a granular, objective, and data-focused questionnaire.

More than 300 organizations participated in the 2021 VETS Indexes Employer Awards, with over 100 employers submitting completed surveys. Respondents included organizations of all types and sizes: publicly traded companies, privately held companies, government agencies and departments, and nonprofit groups. Participating organizations ranged in size from fewer than 100 employees to more than 200,000 employees.

View the announcement here